Modern 2BR @ Gateway Pasteur Apartment near Pasteur Exit Toll By Travelio
This place is fully booked. Adjust the dates or other details.
Popular Facilities
Sports, Spa, & Recreations
Public Facilities
Other Facilities
Food & Drinks
In-room Facilities
See mapsAccommodation Policy
Want to check in early? Fill out the Special Requests form on the booking page.
Guests of all ages are welcome to stay.
Children ages 10 years old and above will be considered as adults.
Please make sure that the children’s age is consistent with the information listed on your booking details. Otherwise, you may have to pay additional fees upon check-in.
Guests need to pay a deposit at check-in.
Guests of all ages are welcome to stay.
Breakfast is available from 00:00 - 00:15 local time.
No pets allowed.
No smoking room.
No alcohol drinks allowed.
About Modern 2BR @ Gateway Pasteur Apartment near Pasteur Exit Toll By Travelio
This apartment is built to create a comfortable environment with complete facilities. The location of this apartment is also strategic as its close to Toll Gate Pasteur. This apartment has a private elevator to make your stay more comfortable.
If you are a visitor from outside Bandung, you do not need to be confused as the apartment has various options of travel from and to Jakarta and other cities. The apartment is located near SPBU Pasteur where the access of Travel is available and there is also shelter Pasteur Trans as another option. You can also commute by train because this apartment is located near Cimindi Station.